Environmental Resource Database of New Mexico
The NMEDB is a publicly available application that consolidates New Mexico's environmental and public health data in an interactive map of the state. The NMEDB allows agencies,... -
Drinking Water Sources
These layers comprise active and inactive permits for public water utilities. -
NMED Petroleum Storage Tank Bureau (PSTB)
The Petroleum Storage Tank Bureau works to reduce, mitigate and eliminate the threats to the environment posed by petroleum products or hazardous material or wastes released... -
Drinking Water Intakes
This is a subset of the the DW_Sources layer from the Drinking Water Bureau used by the Surface Water Quality Bureau. -
Active Ground Water Systems
These layers comprise active and inactive permits for public water utilities. -
Active Surface Water Systems
These layers comprise active and inactive permits for public water utilities. -
USBR Current Conditions Power BI Dashboard
This Rio Grande and Pecos River Water Operations Dashboard was created using the Microsoft Power BI application and is currently available to the public. This dashboard was... -
USACE Water Control data
Includes reservoir operational data, real-time data collection platform (DCP) data, daily and monthly reports, and conditions reports/maps. -
OSE/ISC Real-Time Water Measurement Information System
OSE/ISC maintains a network of stream, acequia, ditch and well monitoring sites that electronically transmits data values via radio and satellite telemetry and stores the data... -
Middle Rio Grande Conservancy District Water Readings and Measurements
Includes ET Toolbox, Cochiti, Albuquerque, Belen, and Socorro division readings, 24 hour rainfall, reservoir storage, and snowpack readings and information. -
San Juan-Chama Drinking Water Project Diversion and Recharge Data
The San Juan-Chama Drinking Water Project was completed in 2008, ending Albuquerque’s sole reliance on an overtaxed aquifer by tapping into surface water transported from the... -
NMED Open Data Portal APIs
This portal is intended to serve as a means to access all available NMED data via secure Application Programming Interface (API). To access our data, we require that you... -
New Mexico Public Water System Boundaries
Summary The New Mexico Public Water System (PWS) boundaries is a dataset of non-transient PWS service areas. Associated documentation on these datasets can be accessed here. In... -
OSE Points of Diversion
The NM Office of the State Engineer (OSE) "Point of Diversions" (POD) layer includes well locations, surface declarations, or surface permits updated on a monthly basis. These... -
RISE Reservoir Data
Reclamation Information Sharing Environment (RISE) is a product of the US Bureau of Reclamation. The purpose of RISE is to share data from across Reclamation in consistent, open... -
AMAFCA GIS Maps & Data
Link to AMAFCA site with stormwater maps and data features are available, including shapefiles and interactive maps. -
Mapping Suitability for Managed Aquifer Recharge in the Albuquerque Basin - O...
The suitability for managed aquifer recharge (MAR) in the eastern Albuquerque metropolitan area was mapped using weighted overlay analyses. The study area extends from the Rio... -
Assessment of the sustainability of geothermal development within the Truth o...
Between October 1, 2012 and Sept 30, 2013 NM Tech hydrology faculty and students, and personnel from the NM Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources conducted a 1-year study to... -
New Mexico Census Designated Places
The TIGER/Line shapefiles and related database files (.dbf) are an extract of selected geographic and cartographic information from the U.S. Census Bureau's Master Address File... -
USDOT National Pipeline Mapping System
The National Pipeline Mapping System (NPMS) Public Viewer enables the user to view NPMS pipeline, liquefied natural gas (LNG) plant and breakout tank data one county or offshore...