EBWPC Monitoring Wells

Transducer recorded and hand-measured water-level data (active record)

Locations: Osita Ranch: about 9 miles NW of Clines Corner, New Mexico E-8428: About 5 miles north of Tajique, NM Smith-1: About 3 miles north-northeast of Mountainair, NM E-10652: About 5 miles east-northeast of Mountainair, NM E-7545: About 3 miles east of Manzano, NM Magnum Steel: about 2 miles west-northwest of Moriarty, NM T-6363: 16 miles southeast of Mountainair, NM E-1639: between Progresso and Cedarvale, New Mexico

Data and Resources


Field Value
Contact Name Erwin A. Melis
Contact Email [email protected]
Publication Date 2024-08-06
Data Collection Procedures Data collected by Sandia National Labs from 2007 to 2009 Data collected by HydroResolutions from 2009 to 2/2021 Data collected by John Shomaker & Associates from 12/2021 to present
Data Collection Frequency Semi-annually
Preparation Method Data was checked for transducer drift and corrected
Data Quality Procedures Data was checked for transducer drift and corrected. Transducer data were matched every 6-months to a year to and-collected water-level data
Last Updated 09 September 2024
Published 06 August 2024