Bernalillo County Water Levels

The county water level monitoring program was formally launched in February 2010. Based on data collected since that time, the Office of the State Engineer closed the Sandia Underground Water Basin to new water rights appropriations, though new and replacement domestic wells can still be drilled. The data indicate that some area of the county, particularly the East Mountains, are experiencing significant annual water level declines on the order of two feet per year or greater. The East Mountains and North Albuquerque Acres areas are heavily dependent on domestic wells or water supply.

Groundwater Dashboard:

Information on the program and a participation application are available at

Data and Resources


Field Value
Division Public Works Department
Contact Name Corbin Carsrud
Contact Email [email protected]
Contact Phone (505)445-1892
Data Collection Procedures will upload methods at a later date
Data Collection Timeframe 2010-01-01 - 2024-07-01
Data Collection Frequency Monthly
Preparation Method will upload methods at a later date
Data Publishing Method The data is published on an ArcGIS public dashboard, here:
Data Publishing Frequency Monthly
Data Quality Procedures Data is uploaded to the cloud immediately when recorded. That data is initial, preliminary and subject to change upon review. Once data is reviewed internally, we run a tool in ArcPro that calculates water level elevation. At that point the measurement can be classified as reviewed.
Geographic Location Bernalillo County
Coordinate Reference System WGS 1984
Source URL
Last Updated 02 July 2024
Published 20 April 2023