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CABQ Landfill and Groundwater Monitoring

Prior to the use of the Cerro Colorado Landfill, the City of Albuquerque, Bernalillo County and private landowners operated several other landfills in and around Albuquerque. Though these landfills are now closed and have not accepted trash for some time, there is still a great deal of action taking place onsite. Landfills located in arid climates such as Albuquerque’s can create landfill gas for decades after being closed. These gases along with other products of decomposing landfills are potentially explosive and can impact water quality and health in addition to creating strong odors.

The Environmental Services Division within the Environmental Health Department monitors these older landfills for gas generation, gas migration and groundwater contamination. Additionally, the Environmental Services Division recommends safety measures for development on and near these closed landfills (see Interim Guidelines for Development near Landfills).

The Environmental Services Division works with the City of Albuquerque Planning Department to ensure that areas near old landfills are developed safely according to the guidelines. The Environmental Services Division also initiates remediation work for landfills that pose a risk. Some of these remediation measures include groundwater treatment and landfill gas collection.

The map below provides locations of all known closed landfills in the Albuquerque metro area. The map also provides the buffer zones for all of these landfills. Each individual landfill can be selected for more information about the selected landfill. Contact information is provided for landfills that are not managed by the City of Albuquerque, Environmental Health Department.

Data and Resources


Field Value
Division Environmental Services Division
Contact Name Charles Barber P.G.
Contact Email [email protected]
Last Updated 23 October 2023
Published 13 April 2023