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Water Authority ASR Monitoring Wells

Purpose The Water Authority operates two Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) projects: the Bear Canyon ASR and the Large-Scale ASR. Monitoring wells to assess water quality and water levels were installed for each project to comply with Underground Storage and Recovery (USR) permits from OSE and Groundwater Discharge permits from NMED for each project.

Well Details Bear Canyon has three monitoring wells: MW-01R, MW-02, and MW-03 with a period of record from 2007 to present. Large-Scale has one nested monitoring well: MW-01S and MW-01D with a period of record from 2015 to present.

Water Level Details Water levels are measured using InSitu LevelTrolls transducers at all wells. The loggers are currently set to log every hour, but this interval has been as fast as every 15 minutes in the past. Manual measurements using an interface probe are taken monthly to supplement the transducer measurements and are provided as separate files.

Data and Resources


Field Value
Contact Name Kelsey Bicknell
Contact Email [email protected]
Known Uses of Data Data is used for reports sent to both the Office of the State Engineer and the New Mexico Environment Department to satisfy permit conditions.
Data Publishing Frequency Quarterly
Geographic Location Albuquerque, NM
Last Updated 08 May 2024
Published 21 March 2024