Data Dictionary

Column Type Label Description
Dam Name text
Other Names text
Former Names text
NID ID text
Other Structure ID text
Federal ID text
Owner Names text
Owner Types text
Primary Owner Type text
State or Federal Agency ID text
Number of Associated Structures text
Designer Names text
Non-Federal Dam on Federal Property text
State Regulated Dam text
State Jurisdictional Dam text
State Regulatory Agency text
State Permitting Authority text
State Inspection Authority text
State Enforcement Authority text
Source Agency text
Latitude text
Longitude text
County text
State text
City text
Distance to Nearest City (Miles) text
River or Stream Name text
Congressional District text
Section, Township, or Range Location text
Federal Agency Owners text
Federal Agency Involvement Funding text
Federal Agency Involvement Design text
Federal Agency Involvement Construction text
Federal Agency Involvement Regulatory text
Federal Agency Involvement Inspection text
Federal Agency Involvement Operation text
Federal Agency Involvement Other text
Primary Purpose text
Purposes text
Primary Dam Type text
Dam Types text
Core Types text
Foundation text
Dam Height (Ft) text
Hydraulic Height (Ft) text
Structural Height (Ft) text
NID Height (Ft) text
NID Height Category text
Dam Length (Ft) text
Volume (Cubic Yards) text
Year Completed text
Year Completed Category text
NID Storage (Acre-Ft) text
Max Storage (Acre-Ft) text
Normal Storage (Acre-Ft) text
Surface Area (Acres) text
Drainage Area (Sq Miles) text
Max Discharge (Cubic Ft/Second) text
Spillway Type text
Spillway Width (Ft) text
Number of Locks text
Length of Locks text
Lock Width (Ft) text
Years Modified text
Outlet Gate Type text
Data Last Updated text
Last Inspection Date text
Inspection Frequency text
Hazard Potential Classification text
Condition Assessment text
Condition Assessment Date text
EAP Prepared text
EAP Last Revision Date text
Website URL text

Additional Information

Field Value
Data last updated August 4, 2022
Metadata last updated October 31, 2023
Created unknown
Format CSV
License Open Data Commons Attribution License
Created2 years ago
Media typetext/csv
Ckan url
Datastore activeTrue
Datastore contains all records of source fileTrue
Has viewsTrue
Ignore hashTrue
Original url
Package id2f6b7be8-5d0a-4d10-93a1-987467f3d092
Resource id24baf0a5-7ee5-45c3-bae0-877c363de904
Set url typeFalse
Task created2023-10-31 21:34:13.236971
Url typeupload