Assessed Lakes 2024
These are assessed springs, streams, and lakes for the 2024 reporting cycle to the EPA under the Clean Water Act Section 305(b). -
Assessed Springs 2024
These are assessed springs, streams, and lakes for the 2024 reporting cycle to the EPA under the Clean Water Act Section 305(b). -
Assessed Streams 2024
These are assessed springs, streams, and lakes for the 2024 reporting cycle to the EPA under the Clean Water Act Section 305(b). -
EPA’s Brownfields Program provides grants and technical assistance to communities, states, tribes and others to assess, safely clean up and sustainably reuse contaminated... -
Onsite Wastewater Compliance
This dataset depicts the known locations of septic systems permitted at one time by the New Mexico Environment Department. Approximately 25% of historic locations (prior to... -
Hazardous Waste Facilities
The Hazardous Waste Bureau’s (HWB’s) mission is to provide regulatory oversight and technical guidance to New Mexico hazardous waste generators and treatment, storage, and... -
Drinking Water Intakes
This is a subset of the the DW_Sources layer from the Drinking Water Bureau used by the Surface Water Quality Bureau. -
Active Ground Water Systems
These layers comprise active and inactive permits for public water utilities. -
Active Surface Water Systems
These layers comprise active and inactive permits for public water utilities. -
Ground Water Discharge Permits
The Ground Water Pollution Prevention Section (GWPPS) reviews and approves ground water Discharge Permits for discharges that have the potential to impact ground water quality... -
Linework of assessment units intersected with PRISM 30-year normal mean temperature values for the period of 1981-2010. This is one input dataset in a model of stream temperatures. -
Aquifer Sensitivity
NMED is mapping areas where waters of the state may be vulnerable to contamination from septic tank discharges, and where stricter standards may be imposed. Aquifer sensitivity... -
Active NPDES Permits
National Pollution Discharge Elimination System Permits -
Voluntary Remediation Program
This layer comprises Voluntary Remediatio Program sites (VRPs). -
Suitable Dam Building Beaver Habitat
Beaver Habitats along waters analyzed by the New Mexico Environment Department. -
Currently Occupied Beaver Habitat
Beaver Habitats along waters analyzed by the New Mexico Environment Department. -
Leaking Petroleum Storage Tank Releases Priority
Releases were scored using an algorithm developed jointly by the New Mexico Environment Department and the US Environmental Protection Agency. A lower number is a higher... -
SCP Active Sites
Our State Cleanup Program (SCP) administers those portions of the Water Quality Control Commission (WQCC) Regulations, 20.6.2 NMAC, that require the cleanup of contaminated soil... -
Water Quality Stations
Stream monitoring locations from the New Mexico Environment department. -
Underground Storage Tank Facilities
While the EPA regulates only underground petroleum storage tanks, the State of New Mexico additionally regulates aboveground petroleum storage tanks. This map shows only active...